where is the wind?

Today is a post injection day (PID), and a PID without Tylenol.

I don't know if I ever mentioned that I refer to my PID discomfort on a mild-moderate-severe scale. When I woke up this morning, at 8:30, I confidently used the word mild. I got out my breakfast (mmm, mini-wheats), as well as an Advil, sat down at the table and talked with Jason while I ate.

After breakfast, I crawled back into bed. I didn't need to go back to bed (meaning that I wasn't too uncomfortable or tired), it just felt good at that moment. Well, it's now 1:50, and I just got out of bed.

Where is the wind for my sails?



Anonymous said...
April 22, 2008 at 8:16 p.m.

For most people, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease takes the wind right out of their sails......

Glad you had a restful day.



corina said...
April 22, 2008 at 10:51 p.m.

the wind is there em... you just had one of those days maybe...its crummy out and alls you wanna do is curl up and sleep. hope the rest did you good and thursday you are ready for some bakin'!

Anonymous said...
April 23, 2008 at 5:21 p.m.

With all those mini-wheats there should be lots of wind!
Every day is a new day.


Little bits about my life with MS

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