Yesterday, was the big day, and I made it. Our 6km, Manitoba Lotteries Walk for MS was held in its *NEW* location, as a merging of the two walks normally held in the city.
I would say, that for me, and my team, "Em's Slackers", it was a great day. Although lower in numbers, and total funds raised, we recruited some new team members, and I set a personal high in funds raised. We even tried out a new cupcake flavour at our after-party!

Local radio personality, Ace Burpee, kicked off the event that brought out approximately 3,000 people. Although I don't normally listen to him, I thought that he made for a motivating and entertaining start to the day. He even personally complimented our "cool, co-ordinated gear...that's awesome...you've even got hats"!
More so this year, than in the past (likely because of the merging of two events, creating more people), I was more aware of visibly younger people with walking aids. Every time I moved past someone with a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair, I thought...someday, that could be me. Am I passing this person while using patience and respect?
The race is to cure the disease, not finish the walk.

Respect is for everywhere but the cupcake tray...

Sure looks like a good time! And to think that D. & I walked with you guys, thousands of miles away,where there were no smiling people & yummy cupcakes to greet us! We did however have tea & a muffin at the halfway point. There was a cold wind so it warmed us up.
Maybe Ontario MS should walk on the same day as you do. Congrats Em, 6 km is quite a distance.Your whole team is just awesome!!
Mom XO
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