new recipe

Last night, Jason and I tried out a new recipe! We both thought that the picture of it looked good, and even though we didn't know of anyone else who had tried it, we decided to give it a whirl.

Here it is: Baja Salad

BBQ chicken, corn and pineapple with raw pepper, green onion, avacado and lettuce. It has a BBQ sauce (with additional ingredients) used for basting, and then the same sauce (with less additional ingredients) used for drizzle (salad dressing).

We're going to try another recipe tomorrow - a BBQ burrito!

So maybe you can tell, I've had a decent few days. On Saturday, I made a black bean and corn salad - all by myself. At the same time, I chopped up veggies for burgers, and veggies for guacamole. When I finished, I didn't clean up...I was in desperate need of a nap. Saturday night, we had company for dinner and games. On Sunday, I plucked weeds from our yard, and Jason and I made the salad...and played games. Today...I'm pooped....

I woke up wobbly, and tired. So as you also can probably guess...I haven't done anything today. We're having left-overs for dinner, and then we'll watch a movie. I'm just walking around in a fog. I can't seem to concentrate on anything for too long, and my body is tired.

Here's another recent pic of myself, 2Penny, Nickel and Jason.

Ok, all for now...dinner time!



Anonymous said...
July 1, 2008 at 8:03 a.m.

Did your creation look like that? Do you have chef on your resume? You've managed to make me hungry and tired all in one blog and it's only 9 in the morning AFTER breakfast.

Mom XO

Little bits about my life with MS

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