Lunch With Sally

What a grand idea - getting together with the five other woman from the MS Fatigue Workshop. A lunch date to remind me that some people just get it.

Let me tell you about the ladies:

First, there is Sally* who can get lost just turning a corner, but has a twinkle in her eyes.

Then we have Julie* who loves to read but can never remember what she has read.

And...what is her name...let's call her Sally*...who is quiet and attentive, yet may fall asleep at the table.

Betty*, who has lots of wonderful stories, and can never remember if she has told you or not.

And Sally*, the team cheerleader.

We share our symptoms, searching for commonalities. One of us uses wheels to assist in walking, but I'm sure that we all think of wheels in our future. We talk about doctors, and findings in research. We aren't too embarrassed to say that we were looking forward to our afternoon get together yet our fatigue had taken away the excitement that day.

And if I don't remember their names, and repeatedly get them wrong, I'm sure that's okay.


*names have been changed


corina said...
December 9, 2009 at 10:31 p.m.

and sally* who no matter what comes along...still keeps her sense of humour!

*name has been changed

mchen said...
December 9, 2009 at 10:47 p.m.

I think it's great to meet a group of people who can relate — probably invaluable. And you amaze me with your ability to poke fun at yourself, whcn so many people might wallow instead. High fives to you, Julie, Betty, Sally, Sally and Sally!

Ladyfingers said...
December 19, 2009 at 7:09 p.m.

I am so proud of you Sally.......


Little bits about my life with MS

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