Here it is: Baja Salad

BBQ chicken, corn and pineapple with raw pepper, green onion, avacado and lettuce. It has a BBQ sauce (with additional ingredients) used for basting, and then the same sauce (with less additional ingredients) used for drizzle (salad dressing).
We're going to try another recipe tomorrow - a BBQ burrito!
So maybe you can tell, I've had a decent few days. On Saturday, I made a black bean and corn salad - all by myself. At the same time, I chopped up veggies for burgers, and veggies for guacamole. When I finished, I didn't clean up...I was in desperate need of a nap. Saturday night, we had company for dinner and games. On Sunday, I plucked weeds from our yard, and Jason and I made the salad...and played games. Today...I'm pooped....
I woke up wobbly, and tired. So as you also can probably guess...I haven't done anything today. We're having left-overs for dinner, and then we'll watch a movie. I'm just walking around in a fog. I can't seem to concentrate on anything for too long, and my body is tired.

Here's another recent pic of myself, 2Penny, Nickel and Jason.
Ok, all for now...dinner time!