c'est la vie

Well, I had a good run. I don't mean a physical run...I mean a good go. A good streak. A string of good days. Only plagued by tiredness.

And then I got wobbly. And tired. And still tired.

I'm chalking up yesterday's wobbles as a bad PID. It all started on Monday night, a couple of hours after my injection. I got terribly achy, chilly, exhausted, and unsettled in my tummy. I thought for sure that it was going to be a rotten night.

Well the night went well, after I managed to fall asleep. And I awoke on Tuesday with wobbles. C'est la vie.

I have been thinking that when I see my MS doctor in July, he might bump up my injection to the full dose...since I'm practically coasting along.

What else...

Jason and I are on vacation, starting on Sunday! We are off to the land of Nickel, Two-Penny, Ladyfingers, Dude, Annie...and B. Yes, I'm going on a vacation too.

Which reminds me...

Twice, in the past two months, I have been asked what I "do". I assumed the question to mean, "What is your means of income", or "What do you do with your time", or "Where do you work". The first time that I answered, "Nothing", it felt a bit strange. The lady that asked looked a bit stupefied by my response. I'm really not one to beat around the bush...or embellish.

The second time that I answered, "Nothing", I was met with,

"Wow. Did you win the lottery?"

I should have said, "Why, yes I did".



Anonymous said...
May 15, 2008 at 8:18 a.m.

Glad you blogged about your encounter with IT. Hope J.'s dinner wasn't ruined 'cause I couldn't give complete instructions!

Mom XO

Anonymous said...
May 15, 2008 at 11:29 a.m.

I think we should make a contest to come up with a name for what you do since "nothing" is not a good or even correct answer. Houswife went out, thank goodness. I mean, come on, people don't marry houses. Stationary Engineer might work in Winnipeg but certainly not here. How about it?


corina said...
May 16, 2008 at 11:38 a.m.

freelance designer? covers your jewelry design/making, colour expertise, kitchen design experience/education and it also covers the fact that you don't actually go to a specific place of work.

Little bits about my life with MS

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